Phosphorus Based
The word technical in ‘Technical Solutions,’ has found itself in a position of great relevance over the years, and we have adopted the term in all its glory. We believe in incorporating the best and latest technical solutions to enhance our products, and also we strive to make them relevant with the changing times and technologies. Our continuous effort is to create technically advanced solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Through our technical solutions department, we have successfully developed products such as Elemental Phosphorus, which were once considered challenging to produce in India. The credit for this achievement goes to the advances made by our team in the field of technology.

Phosphorus Pentachloride
CAS No. : 10026-13-8
Chem. Formula : PCl5
Mol. Wt. : 208.22 g.mol-1
Appearance : Yellowish White Crystals.
Odor : Pungent, unpleasant.
Phosphorus Pentachloride is manufactured by chlorination of Phosphorus. It is manufactured by the chlorination of PCl3. It is known to have the salt-like structure in the crystalline state; it reacts violently with water and is soluble in Carbon Disulphide, Chlorocarbons, Benzene etc. Phosphorus Pentachloride manufactured by Excel Industries Ltd, is considered to be at par with world standards.
Applications : Conventional Segment: It is an important raw material for Pigment and Pharma industry. Growth Segment: It is used in manufacturing of Lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6), which is an electrolyte for Lithium-ion batteries.
Phosphorus Trichloride
CAS No. : 7719-12-2
Chem. Formula : PCl3
Mol. Wt. : 137.33 g.mol-1
Appearance : Colorless to Pale Yellow fuming liquid.
Odor : Unpleasant, similar to Hydrochloric acid.
Phosphorus Trichloride is manufactured by chlorination of Phosphorus.
It reacts violently with water and is soluble in Carbon Disulphide, Ether, Chloroform, Carbon tetrachloride etc. Phosphorus Trichloride is manufactured by Excel Industries Ltd, since 1976 and is a pioneer in this product.
Applications: Conventional Segment: It is an important raw material for Chemicals, Pesticides, Dyestuff, Catalyst, Plasticizers and Pharma industry.
ThioPhosphoryl Chloride
CAS No. : 3982-91-0
Chem. Formula : PSCl3
Mol. Wt. : 169.38 g.mol-1
Appearance : Colorless liquid.
Odor : Pungent, Unpleasant.
Thiophosphoryl Chloride is manufactured by chlorination of Phosphorus, in presence of Sulphur.
It reacts with water and is soluble in Carbon Disulphide, Chloroform, Carbon tetrachloride, Benzene etc. Thiophosphoryl Chloride is manufactured by Excel Industries Ltd, since 2010 and is exported.
Applications: Conventional Segment: It is a raw material for Chemicals and Pesticides.