Curbing GHG emissions
Improperly disposed organic waste is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, at almost 1500 Tg CO2 / year. Waste deposited at landfills emits methane which contributes 21 times the global warming impact of carbon dioxide according to the concept of Global Warming Potential adopted by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
India produces over 60 million metric tons of waste a year out of which over 60% is organic waste. Currently only 9% of this waste is treated at source, the rest ends up choking landfills and our cities. The planned expenditure on Solid Waste Management is Rs. 48,582 thousand crores over the next 20 years.
Community based Decentralized Waste Management initiatives can make a significant impact to these emissions. Decentralized systems such as the Excel OWC System and Bioneer eliminate the problem of waste going to landfill. Furthermore, Decentralized Systems also make it possible to recycle vital nutrients from the waste and reuse them as compost.
Whether you are a large corporation, Industrial kitchen, religious institution or housing society, investing in a high quality decentralized waste management system such as OWC or Bioneer is a vital step in helping you cut your greenhouse gas emissions.
Excel and the Planet

The foundation of Excel Industries was laid in a humble cowshed in 1942 in Jogeshwari by CC Shroff ‘beloved Papa to all Excelites’ and family....
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