Odour Control, The Natural Way
Make organic garbage and waste stink free in just a few minutes with Sanitreat.
A product of in-house research into Waste Management, Sanitreat is a non hazarduous
mixture of mineral and herbal components that control the putrefaction process
of organic waste materials by retarding the formation of toxic leachates and gases.
Sanitreat is a free flowing light brown powder and is highly effective over
both segregated and unsegregated organic waste.
Sanitreat for MSW Dumpyards
Sanitreat can be mixed with water and sprayed for controlling odour
in large Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) plants and dumpyards
Sanitreat in Disaster Management
Sanitreat used in post disaster scenarios can effectively help curb the
stench of carcasses and discarded organic matter.

Sanitreat in Composting
Sanitreat can be used to impart a earthy fragrance to your compost
pile while masking foul odour, if any!